2023 white owl mystery school retreats
these are your spiritual quest Journeys of undoing, BEing and becoming
For light bearers of the New Earth who are committed to Divine truth, embodying your higher self & fulfilling your sacred mission.
2023 - the year of the HEART is all about stillness, presence & connection - an invitation to step more fully into our sacred soul missions in a way that feels great!
It is the cosmic call for all Light bearers to focus on our Soul gifts and Sacred service as we build the New Earth. As we rise up from the dismantling 3D fear-based Matrix, we are connecting and creating a grid of Light - a new 5D love-based reality. The New Earth!
The year holds the Love frequency, which supports us in dreaming our dreams awake by weaving the threads of our realities back together in a more authentic way. To live fully, embodied with purpose and expressing our gifts into the world without being limited by denser energies & entities.
When we follow our unique golden thread, it guides us in our higher sacred leadership mission and offers qualities of reconnection, rebuilding and renewal.
We ascend (raising your frequency to a higher state) and live in the way we wish the world to be, by choosing the path of LOVE and staying highly focused on your New Earth vision. Letting go of the old system and ways that are unraveling and dismantling. Love accomplishes what fear, control, manipulation and social pressure cannot. It heals, regenerates and integrates, inviting us into Unity & Prosperity Consciousness and alchemising judgement into compassion. After all, we are all facets of the same crystal.
We heal others, and heal the world, by healing ourselves first and taking care of others from the overflow. Only then can we create true abundance, make a difference in the lives of others and become a beacon of light in our current reality.
When you quieten your mind chatter to listen to the voice of your heart, you receive clarity. When you trust what you hear, you receive prosperity.
Follow the golden thread of your highest potential destiny as you retreat, rejuvenate & reconnect to the magic!
We are at a place in history and herstory where humanity is waking up to the multi-dimensionality & inter-connectivity of our shared reality. Our planet is ascending, and humanity along with her. This transition has been in play since 2012 and will settle in 2032. The biggest choice we continue to face is how to navigate the storm we are in as individuals and as humanity. In fear or in LOVE?
For those of us Light Bearers/forerunners of the New Earth, who have chosen to navigate consciously and in a high vibrational way, the invitation at this time is to continue to let go of the distortions, illusions and layers of our false selves (ego) and emerge as our authentic sacred selves. To forgive the past and to rise up into the higher frequencies of Love that are now available to us. When we feed what we hope to grow, the seeds we plant take root and blossom. We reclaim harmony and balance when we remember ancient wisdom and include Gaia & Cosmic influences in our lives.
We all need a safe, New Earth healing haven where we can:
☆ Step out of the fabric of our conditioned realities & ancestral programs and follow the golden thread of our highest potential destiny.
☆ Take the time and space to embrace the MAGIC in the NOW and activate deeper PRESENCE, PASSION & POSITIVITY.
☆ Reconnect to our true selves; like minded soul sisters, Gaia & our Divinity, in flow with the original imprint of Gaia.
☆ Release that which no longer serves and get clear on our next step towards more freedom, sovereignty and authentic wholeness.
Enchanted Manor is such a place. A safe, mystical, multi-dimensional New Earth Healing Haven.
Can you feel the MAGIC call from deep within your heart?
The call to a safe, Magical and Sacred place, where the veils are thin and the vibration high. Where you can exhale and just be yourself to reconnect, replenish and rise with more grace, courage, confidence & trust.
And, as you are here, perhaps the subtle, magnetic pull to the Mystical Dragon Isle of Wight is calling YOU as one of the women these retreats have been created for?
As we journey in Sacred Sisterhood, we will alchemise the next layer of density that is currently alive; receive clarity & soul wisdom and harness Magick to enhance our next step manifestations.
So that we can transform servitude into Sacred Service:
Cinderella into Queen
goddess into Priestess.
From the shadows, into the Light of Pure Love.
So that we can embody our Higher selves; express ourselves more fully & authentically; radiate our Light without fears of judgement and align more fully into the Sacred Union of our inner Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine.
So that we can step into our soul missions, calibrated to our next level of THRIVING in Sacred Service as authentic Sacred activists & Trailblazers of the New Earth, no matter who you are with.
If you have you been experiencing Ascension symptoms including:
☆ Overwhelm, Foggy brain & confusion
☆ Self doubt - not knowing who to trust or what to believe
☆ Feeling misunderstood - even rejected by those closest to you.
And if you have realised fulfilling your soul mission comes through expressing your creativity & gifts yet:
☆ are scared about what that means
☆ are finding it hard to fully express yourself
☆ are struggling to navigate the current energies & your next best step
these retreats will support you greatly!
Self care is no longer a luxury as we let go of our false selves and emerge as our authentic sacred selves.
Self care is no longer a luxury as we let go our false selves through the polishing wheel of this transition from the old 3D fear-based reality to The New 5D Earth (which could also be called The TRUE Earth)
Self love is the cornerstone of our wellbeing and vitality – without it, we create toxic, drama-filled relationships, fear and negativity in our lives. When we do this, we are not aligned to our highest potential or truth and soon become unhappy, disempowered and people pleasers.
It is only when we remember that our answers are within ourselves; that everything outside of us, starts from within; that what we focus on grows and we claim self love our non-negotiable, that things really begin to transform.
When we reclaim our lives, our paths and our lanes and take care of others from the overflow, we are able to create a better reality for ourselves (and in turn, those around us)
When we become our own beloved first and foremost, we find our happiness & joy again and are able to empower ourselves to live and express our authentic truth.
Alignment with our heart and soul is where the power is and the MAGIC is in the subtleties. When we slow it all down so that we can see ourselves in the frame, we move from an ego/False self fear based reality into a sacred/authentic self love based reality.
Creation is fuelled by Magic and we are Magical Beings of Creation!
2023 Sacred retreats & Pilgrimages
All retreats are designed around the Galactic influences each month, and follow the progression of Venus - the planet of love & the Divine Feminine. Every 8 years Venus revolves around the Earth forming a perfect Sacred Geometry pattern or pentagram, that looks like a 5 petal Rose. We have just completed the first 19 month petal of a new cycle (from June 2020 - Dec 2021)
All retreats offer time & space to: relax, rejuvenate and reset body, heart, mind and soul so that you reconnect to self, your soul tribe, Gaia and your Divinity; release what no longer serves you and activate your next step manifestations.
And as we often spend our mental & creative energy indulging worries, insecurities & anxiousness, all retreats include specific Kundalini yoga classes (suitable for beginners and experienced yogini) to clear our subconscious, enhance our retreat intentions and rebuild trust in ourselves and our divinity.
Click on your chosen dates for more info or email for more details, if you are looking for a private one on one retreat or if you would like to lead your own retreat.
Ancestral Alchemy 20-25 Sept 2023
Private Retreats
Rose Pilgrimage to Egypt
Enchanted Manor is unique. It is set in the Southern most part of the Isle of Wight – the Dragon Isle. The veils are thin here - magical and mystical things happen daily. Its a high vibration, multi-dimensional portal close to the St Catherine’s Lighthouse and breathtaking vista’s of sea and nature.
What to look forward to:
☆ A deeper understanding of your soul mission and what that means for you. You likely have a deep longing to be free & feel that you are making a difference with your unique presence, gifts & talents. Our souls want us to say YES to our missions yet our personality self (ego/false self) is often scared about what that means. We are all on this healing journey - shedding layer after layer of our personalities that stand in our way of BEing who we truly are & who we came here to be. These retreats offer a Quantum jump in the journey.
☆ Your own luxurious, spacious suite in a magical place - fit for your inner Queen: A king sized four poster bed all to yourself, Simple pleasures like a bubble bath with Epsom Salts in a roll top bath; a Barista made cup of coffee or Bewitching Tea Brew. These retreats are fully inclusive including delicious & nutritious; plant based foodie-ness made with passion and love.
☆ Guided energetic healing meditations; ceremonies; rituals; clearings; activations and transmissions. Time & space to enjoy the activities that raise your frequency and shift your perspective; Processes that clear your subconscious & energetic field; gaining the clarity you need to set your next best step intention; profound insights and shared wisdom from like-minded sisters.
☆ High vibrational area holding the original imprint of Gaia. The Magic is real and multi-dimensional here. The area is protected and the ecosystem more complete. There are still wild Badgers, foxes, Red Squirrels, Hares and many bird and Owl species in the area that show themselves with messages from Spirit. The mystical realms including Dragon, Unicorn and Elemental energies are very present.
☆ Daily Kundalini yoga classes. We often spend our mental & creative energy indulging worries, insecurities & anxiousness. Kundalini yoga helps to transform that so we have more trust that all things will be provided. It strengthen our nervous systems and builds magnetism. Each day, we will be doing specific yoga classes (suitable for beginners and experienced yogini) to enhance our retreat intentions.
Cocoon in the luxurious Enchanted Manor.
Surrounded by the original imprint of Mother Earth and the Isle's Mother Dragon.
Your old life is complete. Slip through reality´s cracks and commune with unseen worlds.
Retreats at Enchanted Manor are perfect for you if:…
☆ You are a highly sensitive Empath; Starseed; Priestess; spiritual coach who is in a New Earth Leadership or Sacred Service role and desire more freedom & fulfilment; balance & harmony; clarity & flow in your own life.
☆ You are a mature woman who has done lots of inner work and is at the threshold of your next evolution. You feel called to rise in your leadership role and higher states of Christ Consciousness (Higher Love).
☆ You are on the path of Love to reclaim your sovereignty & freedom. Awakening to Divine truth and stepping into Collaboration, Unity & Prosperity Consciousness.
As we awaken and rise up to use our gifts and talents in soul service, many of us are misunderstood, filled with self doubt, overwhelm and confusion. Its understandable, considering we have never been where we are as humanity before and we are ascending at different times.
Yet, as we move through the upgrades, we learn to alchemise judgement into compassion, focus our conscious intention, shine the light on our priority limitation and magnetise our desired next step manifestation.
So that we can alchemise our relationship to fear and move through any resistance with grace, ease and flow.
So that we can reclaim more sovereignty and freedom.
So that we can LIVE our authentic purpose and experience all the love and prosperity that is here for us.
P.S: There comes a time in our healing journey when we only hear the voice of our heart . Our negative and positive minds neutralise and we are able to express ourselves authentically regardless of who we are with. Receiving guidance/intuition from the Divine Feminine and taking inspired action through the Sacred Masculine.
It is a spiralling journey through the gates of self-love and acceptance. As you let go to up-level, grace & flow harmonises every aspect of your life and you effortlessly magnetise all that is meant for you.
This is the ascension & soul healing journey we are all on.

Credits: Tania Gabrielle; Yasmine Boland & Priestess of the Rose for Astrological info. Josephine Wall, Noel O´Donnell & Pixabay for images.