your invitation
Are you a Soul Gypsy who loves growing & up-leveling through luxury, intentional retreats?
A Conscious Light Bearer and New thought leader. A Priestess, coach, healer or creative way shower, intent on remembering who you are and reconnecting to yourself, your Divinity & Gaia so that you can embrace your Soul Mission more fully. Then expanding your gifts & own transformational offering to assist other souls as your contribution to New Earth?
Do you desire to alchemise the last pieces of your puzzle that still hold you back so that you can embody your Higher Self, hold more Light and infuse your manifestations with the MAGIC of the Sacred?
From hiding in the shadowlands into the Light of pure Love
From the False self (ego) to the authentic, Sacred self
From ego driven to soul led
From low vibrational scarcity to high vibrational lifestyle
From Servitude to Sacred Service (from Cinderella to Queen; from goddess to Priestess))
The invitation in 2023 is to align to our light!
For over 34 years, I have been assisting souls to align to their highest potential destiny and awaken to the luxury of their Divinity. Amongst other things, I am a Mystic, Yogini, Dragon Rider and well trained Priestess of the Rose. Theory + experience = wisdom and I have learned that we can only save & heal ourselves. My primary mission is to hold Sacred space and guide YOU to access more of your innate wisdom & personal power so that you can take a Quantum Leap on your own healing journey back home.
I believe we are all on a Spiritual Quest Journey now as we face the unknown and transition from the old 3D fear based reality to 5D love based New Earth AKA ascending from the controlled False Matrix to the Sovereign Divine/Natural Matrix.
I have consciously studied and navigated the Ascension we are going through since 2000 and in 2020, knowing that we need to feel safe to heal (especially after the trauma of Covid) my family and I bought the magical Enchanted Manor on the mystical Isle of Wight as our contribution to the New Earth.
Depending on how far down the Rabbit hole you want to go, you can visit Enchanted Manor as a regular B&B guest and enjoy our Magical home as a base to explore on your own or retreat on a ME Staycation (which is similar to the B&B experience plus includes 3 healing sessions and 2 x 90 mins pre and post zoom calls) or join one of my (or other transformation leaders) deep healing immersion retreats.
The Planet of Love and the Divine Feminine, Venus shows us the path to Higher Love through her own procession across our sky.
The mystical realms including Dragons, Unicorns, Elementals and The Goddess herself, guide our journey of undoing, BEing and becoming.
If you have been feeling the calling to align with the natural universal rhythms of the New Earth in the forward momentum of exciting, multi-dimensional experiences, please select the service you are interested in HERE or email me at
Many blessings on your journey.
With love,
When everything around you and every interaction is new and fresh, there is no astral gravity pulling you into the old, familiar patterns of overwhelm & over-giving. This is where you have the space & time to find sovereignty & the LIGHT of LOVE again.